The acronym A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E frames up helpful tips as you navigate the journey with your aging parents.  This helpful acronym will be referenced in my podcasts, along with resource links.

Always be prepared. Download a free In case of Emergency toolkit to complete with your aging parent or loved one. This simple document can expedite critical care and save a life with important information.  
Decision making authority. Protect their wishes and represent them regarding legal and medical decisions. Learn about important legal documents (DPOA and more).
Veterans benefits. If your loved one has served in the U.S. military, there are many benefits for older adults they might qualify for to help with living expenses and burial considerations.
Observe changes in behavior and health. Learn what to watch out for regarding major changes and how to talk about your concerns with your aging parents. Explore preventative measures.
Care options. From age-in-place assistance, downsizing, retirement to assisted living to long term memory care and end of life care. Review resources to better understand options and inform hard decisions.
Ask questions. All questions matter and you have every right to ask as many questions as possible to help inform decisions. 
Taxes. It’s true what they say. Two certainties in life. Death and taxes. Be aware of filing and extension deadlines and resources for seniors.
Empathy. Not everyone has it or knows what it means. Learn how to recognize empathy and express empathy. It matters.